2019-01-212019-01-212014-04SANTOS, Kelli Coelho dos; SIQUEIRA JÚNIOR, João Bosco; ZARA, Ana Laura de Sene Amâncio; BARBOSA, Jakeline Ribeiro; OLIVEIRA, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de. Avaliação dos atributos de aceitabilidade e estabilidade do sistema de vigilância da dengue no estado de Goiás, 2011. Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde, Brasília, v. 23, n. 2, p. 249-258, 2014.1679-4974e- 2237-9622http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16752Objective: to evaluate the acceptability and stability of the dengue surveillance system in Goiás State, Brazil. Me-thods: descriptive study based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) method using a questionnaire applied to professionals involved in dengue surveillance in 2011. Results: 134 professionals participated in the study, representing 41.5% (102/246) of the municipalities in Goiás. Difficulties in closing severe cases were reported by 34.5% of epidemiological surveillance coordinators, some 70% of participants were unaware of the existence of a contingency plan for dengue outbreaks and 59% responded that all suspected cases should be laboratory confirmed, regardless of the occurrence of epidemics. 75% of respondents reported having no difficulty in inputting data on the Surveillance Information System. Conclusion: despite the stability of the dengue surveillance routines, the limitations observed indicate the need for system enhancement.porAcesso AbertoEstudos de avaliaçãoDengueVigilância epidemiológicaSistemas de informaçãoEvaluation studiesDengueEpidemiological surveillanceInformation systemsAvaliação dos atributos de aceitabilidade e estabilidade do sistema de vigilância da dengue no estado de Goiás, 2011Artigo10.5123/S1679-49742014000200006