2018-12-212018-12-212005-12ANDRADE, Flávia R. O.; SOUZA, Aline A.; ARANTES, Maria do Carmo Batista; PAULA, José Realino de; BARA, Maria Teresa Freitas. Análise microbiológica de matérias primas e formulações farmacêuticas magistrais. Revista Eletrônica de Farmácia, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 2, p. 38-44, jul./dez. 2005. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/REF/article/view/1948/1882>.e- 1808--8-4http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16634In agreement with Good Manufacturing Practice, pharmaceutical products must have a quality according to specifications set by official compendia assuring their use. The microbiological quality of raw material employed in pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations is very important to achieve efficacy and safety. In this work it was done the heterotrophic bacteria count, the total viable aerobic count, yeasts and moulds count, detection of pathogenic bacteria in samples of purified water, plant raw materials, natural products and in formula base of creams, lotions and gels. The applied methods and the specifications were based on Pharmacopeas or World Health Organization.The results showed that 86.3% of analysed samples were according to the parameters. The microbiological quality of deionizated water demonstrated a problem to pharmacies and it was verified that 65% of them were above the specifications. It was found that 97.17% of the formulations were with microbial counts in the permited limit. The plant raw materials and natural products showed values of 3.51% and 10.5%, respectively in disagreement with the specifications. The obtained data demonstrated that the Good Manufacturing Practice applied to pharmacies contribute to microbiological quality of the pharmaceutical products, however, critical points must be solved, as the quality of the deionizated water used must be improved.porAcesso AbertoControle de qualidade microbiológicoÁgua deionizadaMatéria-prima vegetalProdutos farmacêuticos semi-acabadosMicrobiological quality controlPharmaceutical productsVegetable raw materialDeionizated waterAnálise microbiológica de matérias primas e formulações farmacêuticas magistraisMicrobiological analysis of raw materials and pharmaceutical formulationsArtigo10.5216/ref.v2i2.1948