2021-07-202021-07-202009BORGES, Tatiana Diello; LAGO, Neuda Alves do; OLIVEIRA, Vitalino Garcia. Um aluno formando de Letras (Inglês): quais são suas crenças acerca do processo de ensino/aprendizagem de língua inglesa? Intercâmbio, São Paulo, v. 19, p. 125-150, 2009.2237-759Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19704The aim of this paper is to present a senior student’s beliefs about the process of English teaching/learning in the Modern Languages course. The research has as theoretical framework studies in the area of teaching/learning foreign languages which focus on beliefs. As methodology, the case study was chosen and the following instruments for data collection were used: semi-open questionnaire, narrative and semi-structured interview. The results suggest these participant beliefs: grammar is not relevant in that process, group work is quite important, and the good language learner is the one that “pays attention to his teacher”.porAcesso AbertoCrençasBeliefsEnsino e aprendizagem de língua inglesaFormação de professoresEnglish language teaching and learningTeachers’ formationUm aluno formando de Letras (Inglês): quais são suas crenças acerca do processo de ensino/aprendizagem de língua inglesa?Artigo