2020-09-152020-09-152019-12-16SANTOS, Lucas Clementino dos. Tecnologia construtiva, habitação e produção do espaço urbano. 2020. 55 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19034The present work of course conclusion has general objective the proportion of a model of housing construction of social interest, individual or collective, using alternative constructive technologies somewhat innovative, counterpart to the current method of production. The objective of this work is to propose a project of social housing of interest with an application of different construction technologies, covering as low cost and what is the lowest cost of production and access to materials and well located urbanistically compared to the current pattern of location of nuclei. social housing of interest, so that theories were researched, constructive technologies, current urban situation of the city of Goiás, availability of materials in the region of the city of Goiás, until an experimentation of the constructive technique. A methodology to know more the region in which the project will be implemented as a diagnosis in the neighborhood, or Bauman has as other neighborhoods, characteristics and its understanding, its weaknesses and potentialities, which contributes to the project project. As a result of the research it was possible to implant a social interest nucleus in a block of the neighborhood, to use as technical techniques in experiments as modulation of general dimensions in the project. In addition, the project was solved within several individuals, being hired by of execution and relying on this tool these strips can be deployed in different locations.porAcesso AbertoHabitação de interesse socialTecnologia construtivaUso coletivoSocial interest housingConstructive thecnologyCollective useTecnologia construtiva, habitação e produção do espaço urbanoCollective living – propsed constructive technology, housing and production of urban spaceTCC