2023-06-132023-06-132023-02-14SOUZA, Emilly Leticia Vieira de. Política de indexação em biblioteca escolar: uma análise das diretrizes utilizadas em unidade da rede de ensino privada de Goiânia, por protocolo verbal. 2023. 96 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Biblioteconomia) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/22711It addresses the guidelines adopted in school libraries for the elaboration of an indexing policy to the detriment of literature, with a view to the type of information unit and its focus of service. It aims to analyze and point out, based on the literature review in the area, the main aspects to be considered in the process of elaborating a policy for the school library. It is characterized as an exploratory-descriptive, qualitative research in the form of a case study. It demonstrates through the contextualization of the field of study until the completion of the process of building an institutionalized indexing guideline, and emphasizes the decision-making points and their influences on the development of the school environment. Thus, it highlights the importance of having an indexing policy in school libraries, allowing the conclusion that, in addition to having it, it must be well constructed, detailed enough to cover the entire process and based on a contextual analysis of the environment and the indexing elements with their possible attributions.porAcesso AbertoOrganização da informaçãoTratamento temático da informaçãoPolítica de indexaçãoBiblioteca escolarInformation organizationSubject representationIndexing policySchool libraryPolítica de indexação em biblioteca escolar: uma análise das diretrizes utilizadas em unidade da rede de ensino privada de Goiânia, por protocolo verbalIndexing policy in a school library: analysis of the guidelines used in a unit of the private education network of Goiânia, by verbal protocolTCC