2020-02-132020-02-132012SIQUEIRA, Ebe Maria de Lima; CAMARGO, Goiandira Ortiz de. Recordar e esquecer: a elaboração freudiana na poesia de Cora Coralina. Gláuks, Viçosa, v. 12, n. 2, p. 56-64, 2012.e- 2318-7131http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18683This paper intends to analyze some excerpts from the poetry by Cora Coralina based on Freud’s study on technique in “Remembering, repeating and working-through (Further recommendations on the technique of psycho-analysis II)”, 1969 . We also search for a dialogue between literature and psychoanalysis, in order to show how two different areas of knowledge can entwine, without, however, signifying they submit to each other. In the excerpts from the poems, we will examine traces of a memory that searches, through poetry, to repeat experiences of tension present at the moment of producing the literary text.porAcesso AbertoCora CoralinaLiteratura e psicanálisePoesiaPoetryPsychoanalysisRepetitionElaborationRecordar e esquecer: a elaboração Freudiana na poesia de Cora CoralinaRemembering and forgetting: the Freudian principle of working-through in Cora Coralina’s poetryArtigo