2024-01-252024-01-252023-08-18MATTAR, João Vitor Oliveira; KANASHIRO, Mauricio Kenichi. Métodos DLF e MSP retangular com modelo de carga ZIP: formulações, testes e comparações. 2023. 16 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/24179The modeling of electrical systems normally considers the load data as independent of the bus voltages, such that loads are modeled as constant power and classic methods of solving subsystem 1 of the load flow problem are based on this consideration. However, the constant power model may not satisfactorily represent the behavior of different loads, as this consideration is more appropriate in case that the bus voltages remain equal to their respective nominal values. Despite this, in the need for a more comprehensive approach to the behavior of the loads of the electrical network under study, the ZIP model can be adopted to represent loads as dependent on the module of the bus voltages, which makes it necessary to adapt solution methods to consider the ZIP payload model. This work aims to develop the formulation of two solution methods for subsystem 1 of distribution networks considering the ZIP load model: the direct load flow method and power sum method in rectangular version. For analysis of results, distribution networks known from literature were used and, for the performance comparison of the methods developed in this work, the power sum method was adopted in the version in polar coordinates with ZIP load model. The analysis of the results show that the performance of the formulations developed in this work are similar to the polar power sum method in terms of the number of iterations, but are inferior in terms of processing time of the final solution.porAcesso AbertoRedes de distribuiçãoMétodo da soma das potênciasMétodo direct load flowModelo de carga ZIPMétodos DLF e MSP retangular com modelo de carga ZIP: formulações, testes e comparaçõesTCC