2023-05-102023-05-102020GALVÃO, Vânia Cristina Casseb; BOELLIS, Carlotta. Análise comparativa da microconstrução um belo dia / un bel giorno no português brasileiro e no italiano. Revista (Con)Textos Linguísticos, Vitória, v. 14, n. 27, p. 140-158, 2020. DOI: 10.47456/cl.v14i28.31036. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufes.br/contextoslinguisticos/article/view/31036. Acesso em: 24 abr. 2023.e- 1982-291X2317-3475http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/22488Each language contains idioms in its written and oral repertoire. These expressions sometimes come from contexts completely different from those used today, so we ask how they got to their current forms, what their linguistic evolutions were, and whether society and historical vicissitudes had an impact on their transformation. This is the case of the twin micro-constructions um belo dia in Brazilian Portuguese and un bel giorno in Italian. This article starts from the panchronic analysis of Silva (2017) and its description of the uses of the micro-construction in Brazilian Portuguese according to the contexts of Diewald (2002), in particular. The article includes an initial theoretical part, based on the subjects of Functionalism and Constructional Grammar, a second part of analysis of data derived from the Italian historical corpus, with socio-historical contextualization and a part of analysis of the contexts of use of the Italian micro-constructions.porAcesso AbertoUm belo diaUn bel giornoMicroconstruçãoGramática de construçõesDiacroniaMicro-constructionConstruction grammarDiachronyAnálise comparativa da microconstrução um belo dia / un bel giorno no português brasileiro e no italianoComparative analysis of the micro-construction um belo dia / un bel giorno in brazilian portuguese and italianArtigohttps://doi.org/10.47456/cl.v14i28.31036