2019-09-092019-09-092013DELBÓ, Adriana. Nietzsche: sobre alguns problemas morais na democracia moderna. Cadernos Nietzsche, São Paulo, n. 32, p. 149-166, 2013.2316-8242http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18099To understand the Nietzsche's analysis of politics is necessary to understand his analysis of Christian morality. Limited conceptions of what constitutes "good" and "bad" sustain the demands for protection, peace, longevity. To be rated as good, government must promise the care of the conditions of mere existence. Thus, Nietzsche sees the politics of his time conducting forward debilitated men. Because conceives politics as a means for development of culture, its task would be to strengthen the man and his ways of organize the living together. In this sense, the genealogy of morals and the project of transvaluation of values represents a challenge to all who intend to think of politics.porAcesso AbertoPolíticaCulturaMoralidade cristãTransvaloração dos valoresPoliticsCultureChristian moralityTransvaluation of valuesNietzsche: sobre alguns problemas morais da democracia modernaArtigo