2017-03-232017-03-231994-03NOJIMOTO, Idalina Thiomi Inumaru; CENTENO, Alberto José; YANAGUITA, Roberto Mítio; MACHADO, Rosevaldo Miranda. Anticorpos aglutinantes de listeria monocytogenes em gestantes com clínica de aborto repetitivo. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 23, n.1, p. 39-44, jan./jun. 1994. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/iptsp/article/view/20032/11604>.0301-0406http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/11639207 btood será taken from patients in the hospital of "Goiânia" in women who suffered from repeated accidents in their pregnancies. In such women the diagnosis of -listeriose is urgent ríght from start of pregnancy, and só is the antilisteria treatment to protect the fetus. There were a difficulty to discover lhe bactéria in endocervical exudate (4,3%). Será samples revealed in the agglutination test a positivity rate of 37,5% exhibited titres of ^1/320. Tbe prevalence of antibodies to Listeria monocytogenes lype i was higbter (73,2%) than to type 4b (16,1%) by serological agglutination test.porAcesso AbertoListerioseAborto repetitivoMicrobiologiaImunologiarepeated aborlionMicrobiologyImmunologyAnticorpos aglutinantes de listeria monocytogenes em gestantes com clínica de aborto repetitivoAntíbodies agglutinantis Listeria monocytogenes in womem with repeated abortationArtigo