2019-03-252019-03-252015-06ANDRADE, Darlan Oliveira et al. Sazonalidade climática e hospitalizações em crianças menores de cinco anos com doença respiratória, Goiânia/Go. Hygeia: revista brasileira de geografia médica e da saúde, Uberlândia, v. 11, n. 20, p. 99-105, jun. 2015.1980-1726http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/17250Objective: To evaluate the effect of seasonality in the occurrence of respiratory diseases in children under five years of age met in a city of tropical climate. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study in Goiania, GO, linking children under five years who sought medical care with weather data collected daily, from 2008 to 2010. Results: Among 59 227 children hospitalized, 36.6% had respiratory symptoms. There was a seasonal peak attendance in the rainy season, for diseases of the lower airways in children under five years of age. Conclusion: The number of children with respiratory symptoms increased during the rainy season associated with high humidity, with high peaks record of serious respiratory diseases, especially of the lower respiratory tract, associated with higher rates of visits and hospitalizations, with the possibility to provide for this increase from weather dataporAcesso AbertoClimaSazonalidadeCrianças hospitalizadasDoenças respiratóriasClimateSeasonalityHospitalized childrenRespiratory diseasesSazonalidade climática e hospitalizações em crianças menores de cinco anos com doença respiratória, Goiânia/GoEvaluation of the profile of hospitalizations for respiratory symptoms according to seasonality children in the brazilian midwestArtigo