2024-03-192024-03-192016COSTA, D.; ALMEIDA, N. G. de; VILLAS-BOAS, C. J. Secure quantum communication using classical correlated channel. Quantum Information Processing, Berlin, v. 15, p. 4303-4311, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11128-016-1389-6. Disponível em: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11128-016-1389-6. Acesso em: 18 mar.1570-0755e- 1573-1332https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11128-016-1389-6We propose a secure protocol to send quantum information from one part to another without a quantum channel. In our protocol, which resembles quantum teleportation, a sender (Alice) and a receiver (Bob) share classical correlated states instead of EPR ones, with Alice performing measurements in two different bases and then communicating her results to Bob through a classical channel. Our secure quantum communication protocol requires the same amount of classical bits as the standard quantum teleportation protocol. In our scheme, as in the usual quantum teleportation protocol, once the classical channel is established in a secure way, a spy (Eve) will never be able to recover the information of the unknown quantum state, even if she is aware of Alice’s measurement results. Security, advantages, and limitations of our protocol are discussed and compared with the standard quantum teleportation protocol.engAcesso RestritoSecure quantum communication using classical correlated channelArtigo10.1007/s11128-016-1389-6