2017-09-122017-09-122010MOREIRA, Fernando Ricardo; COSTA, Esdras Teixeira; SANTOS, Rodrigo Couto; FERREIRA, Wendy Carniello; CABACINHA, Christian Dias. Juros: conceitos e aplicações. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 6, p. 1-11, 2010.2317-2606http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/12411The understanding of mathematics is essential for citizens to act as prudent consumers or make decisions in their personal and professional life. With this idea in mind is that we write about financial mathematics. We begin with a little history of the subject, then we define income, interest rate, etc. .. We talked about three different funded schemes: the scheme of simple interest, the system of compound interest and finally on a funded training. To facilitate the understanding of the subject were made examples of each type of system mentioned.porAcesso AbertoJuros simplesJuros compostosCapitalização contínuaSimple interestCompound interestContinuous capitalizationJuros: conceitos e aplicaçõesArtigo