2017-12-262017-12-262017-10-10FARIA, Keyla Rosa de. Biblioteca escolar no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da/o estudante com Síndrome de Down. 2017. 104 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13265It analyzes the performance of the school library in the teaching-learning process of students with Down syndrome of the municipal school system of Aparecida de Goiânia. Exploratory field research was used to explain the studied environment, using the qualitative approach, which allowed to value the attitudes, beliefs and particularities of the student with Down. The questionnaire with 32 questions was used as an instrument for the data collection, 25 of which were open and 7 were closed and closed. The results showed positive and negative points regarding the performance of the school library and the student with Down. Highlights Among the positives we highlight the presence of the school library and the professional librarian in 90% of the schools surveyed and the existence of a teacher of support for all students with disabilities. The negatives were absence of actions conducive to Down students; the omission of the regent teacher; the lack of communication and interaction between professionals - librarian and teacher. These factors significantly compromised the evolutionary process of students with Down. Therefore, the performance of the school library in relation to the teachinglearning of Down students is still precarious, even though the Brazilian Law on inclusion of the disabled person is recent. Although inclusive education is politically effective, it is necessary to implement humanization toward these students. It is concluded that the professionals who work in the libraries researched, develop actions to encourage reading, but find difficulties in establishing relationships with Down students, limiting the learning process. He affirms that the library is the right place for socialization, because in it readers can dream and imagine a world different from what they experience, and from this change their perspective and feel included. It is suggested the need to conduct training courses so that these professionals can use the games and resources available in the library to students with intellectual disabilities.porAcesso AbertoBiblioteca escolarBiblioteca inclusivaBibliotecária-escolarSíndrome downEnsino-aprendizagemBiblioteca escolar no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da/o estudante com Síndrome de DownTCC