2024-02-232024-02-232024-01-19RODRIGUES, Emmanuel Jose de Alencar; RODRIGUES, Lara Beatriz da Silva Resende. Representação da cultura piauiense através de um baralho de cartas de tarô. 2024. 157 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Design Gráfico) - Faculdade de Artes Visuais, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/24406This research proposes, through the areas of graphic design, illustration, packaging design and card design – by adapting the method of Joly (1994) and Penn (2002) – to create and illustrate a card game exposing folkloric, historical and cultural themes from Piauí. Based on this, a bibliographical research was carried out on tarot, its terminology, the Major Arcana and what each one represents with the theses of Nadolny (2022), Bartlett (2011) and Nichols (1988). Furthermore, the culture, customs and traditional stories of Piauí were researched, specifically the mythical repertoire – that is, of municipal tales and legends, by using Portelada's (2014) thesis – and developed the visual identity of the project – encompassing the color system and deck’s style– the illustrations, the typography, the front and back design of the cards and a printed prototype. With that, the project sought to combine card games and folklore as a tool for preserving and exporting Brazilian culture through its playful, educational nature and the evocation of the culture, memory and identity of the people of Piauí.porAcesso AbertoDesign gráficoIlustraçãoBaralho de tarôDesign de embalagensDesign de cartasGraphic designIllustrationTarot deckPackaging designCard designRepresentação da cultura piauiense através de um baralho de cartas de tarôTrabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (TCCG)