2021-06-282021-06-282021-01-22SANTOS, Alessandra de Faria; NARCIZO, Ana Flávia Martins; NEVES, Camila Rodrigues; SILVA, Santina da Costa. Análise da importância da formação docente específica para o ensino das artes visuais: estudo exploratório em uma escola pública na cidade de Cavalcante-GO. 2021. 58 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Artes Visuais, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19632This study aimed to analyze the importance of teacher training for the pedagogical practices of the visual arts discipline, as well as its specific objectives: to know the perceptions and reality of the training of teachers who already work in the discipline of visual arts in the school studied ; evidence pedagogical practices and understand the meanings, limits, challenges and possibilities surrounding the teaching performance in arts. With that, it was discussed about the relevance of having a professional with qualification for this educational purpose, both for the theoretical surveys, as for the experiences in the internships and in the research. Therefore, the qualitative approach was used as a method, this through the following methodological steps: participant observation and records built during the supervised internship period, bibliographic research on authors who have already discussed the theme, field research based on a semistructured interview (via e-mail) with two art teachers in the basic education of a public school in the city of Cavalcante-Goiás. Thus, from the data analysis it was possible to perceive that not unlike the impressions obtained initially in the internship, the educational unit remains with artistic teaching limited to conventional practices, in which specific training in visual arts is not yet a relevant criterion for the dimensioning of educators who work with this discipline. Finally, through the study carried out, it was possible to identify the need to build new practices, to improve what is working and to give more value to teacher education in the visual arts.porAcesso AbertoFormação docenteEnsino de artes visuaisPráticas pedagógicasDesafios e possibilidadesTeacher educationTeaching of visual artsPedagogical praticesChallenges and possibilitesAnálise da importância da formação docente específica para o ensino das artes visuais: estudo exploratório em uma escola pública na cidade de Cavalcante-GOTCC