2022-03-092022-03-092021-12-20MAIA, Gustavo Katriel Dias. Conflito de competência dos atos normativos na pandemia da Covid-19. 2021. 56 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20314The Covid-19 Pandemic brought a series of challenges in the most diverse branches of society, putting into question even the way in which federalism was being understood and exercised in Brazil. This work aims to analyze the understanding of the Federal Supreme Court, when the judgment of ADI 6341-DF, which was the starting point for disagreements between the Federal, state and municipal governments. Also, within this divergence of understandings, to present that the present research concluded that the municipalities are the entities of the federation with the greatest competence to deal with sanitary measures, especially those non-pharmacological such as social distancing and Lockdown. Therefore, a bibliographical study was carried out on the theoretical references on the subject, as well as an analysis of the decision taken by the Federal Supreme Court and, finally, a survey of discussions and actions within the state of Goiás and the municipalities of Goiânia and Aparecida from Goiânia, with a focal point in the first and last, where greater tension was identified.porAcesso AbertoFederalismoControle de constitucionalidadeCovid-19Supremo Tribunal Federal.FederalismConstitutionality controlCovid-19Federal Court of JusticeConflito de competência dos atos normativos na pandemia da Covid-19TCC