2020-04-132020-04-132019-12-17GOMES, Daniel Pires; MATIDA, Letícia Morinaga. Desenvolvimento de um protótipo para cronometragem de provas de corrida com identificação por rádio frequência para testes de aptidão física do Centro de Seleção - UFG. 2019. 56 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e da Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19017In this paper a brief application of radio frequency identification technology (RFID), used for the development of a race test timing system, is illustrated. Initially a contextualization, followed by an explanation of its operation and the components needed to complete the system. The automated timing system is a necessity of the Selection Center of the Federal University of Goiás (CS - UFG), which is responsible for applying several tests of public tenders, among them the Physical Fitness Tests (TAF), which are evaluations required for some public office such as police and fire brigade. The proposed solution is the development of an automated race test timing system prototype that can increase accuracy in timekeeping, facilitate candidate management, data acquisition and dissemination of results reports. That is, ensure greater security, reduce costs, probability of errors by human factor and expedite the application of this stage of TAF in the contests held by CS-UFG. Arduino UNO cards, MFRC522 and RTC DS3231 modules, communication protocols, Office suite Excel application, and Arduino IDE and Visual Studio IDE development platforms were used to develop this system. The Iterative Design method was used for prototype development, which based the evolution of the phases on levels of improvement. The system consists of three steps: data acquisition; data recording and data processing. The results obtained were: a set for data acquisition; software called “CRONÔMETRO RFID” with user interface, device configuration and data logging functionality; and a spreadsheet for data processing and reporting of results. The data recording and data processing steps were evaluated as beta level prototypes, which are able to apply in real tests. However, the data acquisition stage was stipulated as an alpha prototype, because the reading range obtained was not satisfactory. However, it proves the applicability of RFID technology for race timing.porAcesso AbertoCronometragemIdentificação por rádio frequênciaRFIDArduinoProtótipoCorridaTeste de aptidão físicaTAFTimingRadio frequency identificationArduinoPrototypeRunningPhysical fitness testDesenvolvimento de um protótipo para cronometragem de provas de corrida com identificação por rádio frequência para testes de aptidão física do Centro de Seleção - UFGTCC