2023-11-292023-11-292023-08-18FERREIRA, Manoel Giovane Mendes. As atividades experimentais no ensino de termologia e a teoria de Vigotski. 2023. 53 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Física) - Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/23872Main theme of this work is the authors' intention to present a didactic sequence involving three alternative experiments. We know that the low-cost experiment, understood in a general and, therefore, imprecise way, is a practical activity that possesses the following characteristics: ease in acquiring materials; the value associated with the objects used; the possibility of being carried out in various environments, and the quick assembly of these in the classroom. A relevant factor associated with low-cost experimentation is the possibility of synchronizing experimentation with theoretical knowledge using easily accessible materials, provided that the teacher chooses, for example, to offer their students practical activities that emphasize the qualitative description of phenomena, without the need for sophisticated laboratories, which are not available in most public and private high schools, setting achievable goals involving a minimum of specific materials. To achieve this, we are based on the socioconstructivist theories of the Russian thinker Lev Vygotski (2001), which enables the educator to lead the student, through social interaction, to the acquisition of new knowledge. Experimentation through socioconstructivist interaction facilitates the learning of abstract concepts such as those in thermology.porAcesso AbertoAtividade experimentalEnsino de físicaEnsino médioExperimental activityPhysics educationHigh schoolAs atividades experimentais no ensino de termologia e a teoria de VigotskiExperimental activities in the teaching of thermology and Vygotsky's theoryTCC