2019-08-212019-08-212007ARAÚJO, Walter Santos de; ÁVILA, Danielle Regina; FALEIRO, Frederico Augusto Martins Valtuille; COSTA, Renata Mazaro e. Formação acadêmica e identidade profissional de formandos do curso de Ciências Biológicas do ICB/UFG. Revista Solta a Voz, Goiânia, v. 18, n. 2, p.243-254, 2007. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/sv/article/view/3415/3296.2236-0514http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/17956Biologists as professionals who can act in diverse areas, from educational fi eld to the hightech research, should have a formation that allow them to develop a professional profi le to correspond to their attributions. Th us, diverse aspects are relevant in their formation and in the adequate professional identity with social role. Th e aim of this study was to evaluate the college formation aspects and the professional interest of teaching biologists and bacharelors in Biological Science from UFG. Th e results have demonstrated that the profi le of the bacharelor and teaching undergraduate biologists do not diff er. Th is occurs mainly for the low interest of students to become teachers. Th e work disclosed undergraduate with interests directed toward the scientifi c research and the academic life.porAcesso AbertoFormação acadêmicaIdentidade profissionalFormandos de ciências biológicasAcademic formationProfessional identityUndergraduates of biological sciencesFormação acadêmica e identidade profissional de formandos do curso de Ciências Biológicas do ICB/UFGAcademic formation and professional identity of biological science undergraduates students from ICB/UFGArtigo10.5216/rp.v18i2.3415