2024-08-162024-08-162017GOSCH, Marcelo Scolari; FERREIRA, Manuel Eduardo; BARBOSA NETO, Manoel Alves. A antropização dos assentamentos rurais nas microrregiões do estado de Goiás, bioma cerrado. Revista Espaço e Geografia, Brasília, v. 20, n. 1, p. 227–243, 2017. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/espacoegeografia/article/view/40113. Acesso em: 6 ago. 2024.e- 1516-9375http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/25356About 64% of the native coverage of Goiás is anthropized. Some authors attribute the deforestation to agricultural production carried out by small farmers. Rural settlements are part of the context and should be considered in these processes. The purpose of this research is to verify the environmental condition and the degree of anthropization of settlements in the micro-regions of Goiás. For this purpose, the deforestation occurred in the Cerrado biome until the year 2012, more specifi cally in the settlements in Goiás, was collected and analyzed from the Deforestation Monitoring Project of Brazilian Biomes Satellite (PMDBBS), from Ministry of Environment, and from the Warning Deforestation System for Cerrado (SIAD - Cerrado project, from Federal University of Goiás/LAPIG). The results show that the degree of anthropization of rural settlements in Goiás is around 53%. The settlements located in the Meia Ponte, Rio Vermelho, São Miguel do Araguaia and Sudoeste Goiano micro-regions would be more fragile from the environmental perspective, while the settlements located in the micro-regions of Chapada dos Veadeiros and Vão do Paranã would be better preserved. In general, the anthropization in the settlements accompanies the tendency of fragmentation of the landscape or conservation of the remnant vegetation, according to the municipalities and micro-regions where they are inserted.porAcesso AbertoAssentamentos ruraisDesmatamentosCerradoGoiásSIGRural settlementsDeforestationA antropização dos assentamentos rurais nas microrregiões do estado de Goiás, bioma cerradoThe anthropization level of the rural settlements in the Goiás state microregions, cerrado biomeArtigo