Informação em contexto educacional: comportamento informacional de estudantes do ensino fundamental II do colégio estadual Waldemar Mundim, da cidade de Goiânia/Goiás

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In this work, the objective is analyze the information behavior of elementary school students in State College Waldemar Mundim located in Itatiaia Set in the city of Goiania / Goias. The information behavior can be understood as the procedures that individuals develop by recognizing a need for information and from this observation to perform search and make use of this information. This research is classified as exploratory and descriptive and had students as research subjects of the 9th (ninth) primary school. As data collection instrument was used semi-structured questionnaire. Through the data collected was made to characterize the subjects studied, the identification of information needs and sources of information used, the barriers present for the search and use of information, as well as the characterization of the use of the use of information accessed . The data analysis shows that in terms of the characterization of the subjects surveyed, 80% are aged from 12 to 15 years and 59% are female and 41% are male. Information needs related solely to performance of the school activities. The information sources most used electronic sources. Among the least used sources of information stood out the school library. In terms of frequency of use of the school library have that 52.9% of respondents confirm that they do not attend the same. In times of search and use of information barriers of an economic and efficiency stand out. In terms of feelings developed over time to determine the make homework we have negative feelings predominate. Data on time use of information reveal that this action is based on the clarification, that is, the information used to help understand certain subject. This category of information use is characterized as the most basic and indicates limited use of it. In terms of the final considerations, we have the information behavior of students surveyed shows limited ability to search for information, emphasis in the search for information on electronic resources inadequate and limited use of the information accessed. The feelings developed during the needs assessment information and information search are predominantly negative.



Comportamento informacional, Busca de informação, Uso de informação, Biblioteca escolar


BASILIO, Dayane. Informação em contexto educacional: comportamento informacional de estudantes do ensino fundamental II do colégio estadual Waldemar Mundim, da cidade de Goiânia/Goiás. 77 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.