Influência da transmissão de bactérias gram negativas intestinais pelas moscas (musca doméstica), nas enteroinfecções, em Goiânia

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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior


The incídence of disease causing intestinal bactéria in a suspension of domestic flies in sterile distilled water was investigated. A great number of E. coli, Proteus, ShigeUa and one sample of Salmonella paratyphi B was isolated. The flies were captured in different sites of Goiânia, such as butcher's shops, coffee-houses, green-groceries, resídences and in the garbage of empty lots. The flies fron empty lots carried more enteric organisms than those captured in other localities, although the latter may also be carriers of bactéria causing enteric disease.




REIS, Cleômenes; DINIZ, Mário; MUNIZ, Maria Aparecida; KOLEILAT, Nohamad Nader Musbah. Influência da transmissão de bactérias gram negativas intestinais pelas moscas (musca doméstica), nas enteroinfecções, em Goiânia. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 1, n. 2, p. 289-292, abr./jun. 1972. Disponível em :<>.