Terapêutica comparativa entre o tetracloroetileno e 1,4 fenileno di-isotiocianato no tratamento da ancilostomose

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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior


The resulte obtained in lhe treatnent oí ancylostomiasis in 40 inmates úí a príson (Centro Penitenciário de Atívidades Industriais de Goiás — Oepaigo) were compared. Two groups ai patíents were studíed, including 21 -ad 19 patíents, respectively. The patients of group A were given íotrachloroethylene in a single dose of S cc (10 capsules) on ao empty stolaach. The patients of group B were treat- • -á with 1,4 phenyleae-diisothiocyanate, administered in a single dose oí £50 mg (3 capsules) after meai. Stools examined 30 days after treatment were negative in 85,71% of patients in group A and in 26,31% of patients in groun 3. Other schedules oí' treatment should be tested with 1,4 phenylene diisothiocyanate, especially in cases where the former drug is counterindicated.




FREIRE, Juracy dos Santos; BEZERRA, Valdi Camárcio; PRADO, Ademar Alvarenga. Terapêutica comparativa entre o tetracloroetileno e 1,4 fenileno di-isotiocianato no tratamento da ancilostomose. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 2, p. 155- 158, abr./jun. 1973. Disponível em: < https://www.revistas.ufg.br/iptsp/article/view/22731/13524>.