Reações de imunoprecipitação em gel aplicadas ao estudo do calazar

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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior


Será from twelve patíents with visceral leishmaníasis, confirmei! by parasitologic examination and under clinicai control were studied by electro- phoresis and severa! techniques of gel precipitation as: immunoelectrophoresis against human anti-serum; anti- IgG, anti-IgM and anti-IgA anti-serum; reverse immunodiffusion for immunoglobulins quantitation; counter- immunoeletroforesis and Autcherlony immunodiffusion. Electrophoretic analyse showed increasing gama-proteins, wbile immunoelectrophoresis suggested this in- creasing was by IgG fractíon. Immunoglobulins quantitation demonstreted meaning increasíng of IgG in ali cases, and IgM in severals one. Counter-immunoelectrophoresis revealed technique with hígh sensitivity for detectation of precipitins. Positive será in this reaction were treated by mercapto-etanol and dido't negated a new reation, intirely. By classic Outcherlony immunodiffusion we attempted to detect círculating antigen, but the results were inf- fectual.




PINHEIRO, Zair Benedita; OLIVEIRA, Oswaldira Seabra de; BARBOSA, William. Reações de imunoprecipitação em gel aplicadas ao estudo do calazar. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 3, n. 2, p. 153 - 170, abr./jun. 1974. Disponível em: <>.