Revisão dataxonomia e classificação do Trypanosoma cruzi - importância da genética

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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior


After the intraspecific variation of T. cruzi hás been recognized several autnprs tried to show its correlation with epidemiology, diagnoses and clinical forms of Chagas' disease in endemic áreas Recents advances in the field of Biochemistry and Immunology brought a great contribution for the characterization of isolated stocks of T. cruzi and only a multidisciplinary study of biológica!, antigenic and biochemical behaviour of the parasite would make it possible to solve taxonomic and classífication problems of T. cruzi and their clinicai-epidemiologjcal implications in Chagas' disease. Since the discovery of the disease by C. Chagas several authors tried to obtain chriteria for differentiate the parasite as the morphological and biological chriteria, isoenzymic patterns and kDNA characterization. Some conclusions from this studies have been done: l - A particular strain type may predominate in a particular geographical área; 2 - Strains of different types show different antigenic composition; 3 - There is a correlation between drug sensibility and Strain type; 4 - Strains of the same type have similares isoenzymic patherns; 5 - the difíerences in the strain types are more important in dctcrmining the course of infection than the genetic background of the host. In relation with the antigenic composition results indicate that: l - There is intraspecific heterogeneity in original samplc and in cloned populations; 2 - This heterogeneity includes parasite oblaincd from patients, mammals and vectors; 3 It happens with epimastigotes and trypomastigotes. The molecular analysis of compoiicnls mui metabolic products of parasite as lectin binding, isoenzyme patterns and schizodeme analysis have had a great improvement in the last decade. Even with technical limitations, ít can be concluded from this studies that: l - There seems to be correlation between zymodeme and epidemiologica! type of cicie; 2 - A correlation between cloned sample and lectins have been shown; 3 - Ali there zymodemes (Zl, Z2 e Z3) can infected human beings and cause acute disease, but it is unfrequent with Z3;4 - Heterozygous patterns are common in South America suggesting that T. cruzi may be diploid. There is no evidence of gene interchange between zymodemes; 5 - There is a clear association between the expression of a surface glycoprotein (GP 72000 kd) and Zl.




OLIVEIRA, Ana Maria de. Revisão dataxonomia e classificação do Trypanosoma cruzi - importância da genética. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 15, n.1, p. 13- 26, jan./abr. 1986. Disponível em: <>.