Contribuição ao conhecimento da fauna flebotomínica do estado de Goiás e Distrito Federal. II - 1986-1987

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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior


In an entomological survey carried out on April and May 1986, and on April and August 1987 in the State of Goiás, twenty two diffcrcnt species of phlebotomine sandflies of genus Lutzomya, França, 1924 were captured in the districts of Catalão, Cavalcante, Dianopolis, Formosa, Israelandia, Monte do Carmo, Padre Bernardo, Pontalina, Porangatu, Porto Nacional, Rio do Sono and in one farm at the Federal District. Ali districts werc known as endemic áreas of cutaneous leishmaniasis with exception of Israelandia, 182 Km northwest from Goiânia, where two cases of visceral leishmaniasis have becn rcported. Ninety síx percent of ali sandflies were captured in Riacho Frio (Federal District), where Lutzomya intermédia was the sole Phlebotomine species found. During the study in this área our driver developed a single skín lesion on the neck diagnosed as american cutaneous leishmaniasis. Lutzomya intermédia sandflies were also captured in Padre Bernardo, Cavalcante, Dianopolis, Formosa and Pontalina. Lutzomya whitmani the second more frequent phlebotomine captured (l ,3%), was not found in the Federal District, Pontalina nor Porangatu. Other species of phlebotomine also found wcrc: Lu. termithophila 0,27%, Lu. longipalpis and Lu. lenti 0,15%, Lu. goiana, Lu. nordestina, Lu. oliverai and Lu. saulensis 0,12%, Lu. evandroi, Lu. flaviscutellata, Lu. misionensis, Lu. peresi, Lu. shannoni, Lu. spinosa and Lu. teratodes 0,08%, Lu. abonnenci, Lu. davisi, Lu. fischeri, Lu. hermanlenti, Lu. punctigeniculata and Lu. sp. (one species not identifíed) 0,04%.



Phlebotominae, Leishmaniose cutânea americana, Levantamento entomológico


CARVALHO, Maria Elisa Santos Dourado; LUSTOSA, Édia de Sena; NAVES, Heloísa Aparecida Machado. Contribuição ao conhecimento da fauna flebotomínica do estado de Goiás e Distrito Federal. II - 1986-1987. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 18, n.1, p. 7-14, jan./jun. 1989. Disponível em: <>.