Spatial pattern and genetic diversity estimates are linked in stochastic models of population differentiation

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Sociedade Brasileira de Genética


In the present study, we used both simulations and real data set analyses to show that, under stochastic processes of population differentiation, the concepts of spatial heterogeneity and spatial pattern overlap. In these processes, the proportion of variation among and within a population (measured by GST and 1 - GST, respectively) is correlated with the slope and intercept of a Mantel’s test relating genetic and geographic distances. Beyond the conceptual interest, the inspection of the relationship between population heterogeneity and spatial pattern can be used to test departures from stochasticity in the study of population differentiation.



Stochastic processes, Population differentiation, Spatial heterogeneity, Spatial pattern


DINIZ FILHO, José Alexandre Felizola; TELLES, Mariana Pires de Campos. Spatial pattern and genetic diversity estimates are linked in stochastic models of population differentiation. Genetics and Molecular Biology, Ribeirão Preto, v. 23, n. 3, p. 541-544, Sept. 2000.