Preferencia para diferentes tipos de isca por mosquitos (diptera: culicidáe) capturados em Goiânia-Goiás


Weekly captures of mosquitoes in the surroundings of Goiânia (Naves farm) during the year of 1992 allowed captures of 9,060 culicidae on human, hens (Gallus domesticus), dogs (Canis familiaris) and pigs (Scrofa domesticus), used as baits. Captures were performed in animal shelters (pig and hen-house) as well. Distribution of specimens among hosts were as follows: 6,045 on man, 822 on hens, 41 on dogs, 27 on pigs, 2,114 in chicken shelter and 11 in pigsty. From 52 different species obtained, 42 were on human bait, 22 in hens, 8 in dogs and 7 in pigs. In relation to animal shelters, 10 species were obtained from hens and 4 in pigsty. Twenty three species contributed each with more than 0,5% of the total obtained. Antropophilic species detected were Aedes (Ochlerotatus) scapularis, Aedes (Ochlerotatus) serratus, Culex (Culex) dolosus, Haemagogus (Haemagogus) capricornii, Haemagogus (Conopostegus) leucocelaenus, Psorophora (Janthinosoma) ferox andSabethes (Sabethoides) chloropterus. Among ornitophilic Aedonyia (Aedonyia) squamipennis, Culex (Culex) dolosus and Culex (Melanoconion) pilosus are pointed out. Seven species were found in dogs, as A. scapularis, A. serratus, Coquillettidia (Rhynchotaenia) juxtamansonia and C. dolosus. Pigs attracted A, scapularis and coquillettidia mainly (Rhynchotaenia) venezuelensis. In hen shelters A. squamipennis, C. dolosus and C. pilosus were the main species involved and only three were captured on pigs.



Isca humana, Isca animal, Mosquitos, Human bait, Animal bait, Mosquitos


NAVES, Heloísa Aparecida Machado; CARVALHO, Maria Elisa Santos Dourado; SALES, Kleiber Pinheiro; CARNEIRO, Eunice. Preferencia para diferentes tipos de isca por mosquitos (diptera: culicidáe) capturados em Goiânia-Goiás. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 27, n. 1, p. 43-52, jan./jun. 1998. Disponível em: <>.