Controle de tombamento em sementeiras de eucalipto mediante pulverizações

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Manuel Passos de Castro


The increment of tne growth of tree conservat,on by means of official incentive, greatly intensitied the planting' of eucalyptus in Brazil, creating the necessity of producing seedlings 1n great 􀁏uantities. Frequently the incldence of damping • off in the seedbed, in pre or post-emergence, affect the chronogram of planting, causing death of thousands of pla􀀄 tules. ln the present experiment, it 􀂤as attempted to determi­ne the effect of seven fungicides, app11ed by spray at high v􀀅 lume, on the contro1 of damping • off caused by Cy.V.-nd1r..octad.iun sp. and sp. in plantules of Eucatyptu..6 􀃜a.U.gna Sm. in the seedbeds. The experimental design used was that of random 1 blocks with four {4) repetitions. lhe seeds were desinfected with dry Neantine at 0,31 and the seedbed was treated with methyl brom1de (40ml/m2 ), and afterwards innoculated with Cy­t.ind1r..octad.ium sp. and Fcu,a/ sp. grown in substrate cornaeal -sand. It was observed that the most effective treatments in the control of damping - off were Arasan - 75 at U,3S, Cupravit azul at 0,4% and Mtltox at 0,35% 1 while the most phytotoxic aspect 1n the parts treated with Ferrado! at 0,251. The high density of seeding (50g/m2 ) coupled with the occurrence of humid and rainy weather seem to have contr ibuted greatly to the high 1ncidence of damping - off.




CARVALHO, Yvo de; LIMA, Raimundo Ney de Macedo; BARBOSA, Raulino Antônio. Controle de tombamento em sementeiras de eucalipto mediante pulverizações. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 3, n. 1, p. 36-45, jan./dez. 1973. Disponível em: <>