Efeito de níveis de zinco sobre a cultura do arroz em solo de cerrado


ln the present experfaent, the effect of increasfng do­ses of zinc sulphate on productivity and on the occurence of syaptoas of zinc derffcfency was studfed fn upland rice grown in "cerrado" soil. lhe experfaental desingn was randoafzed blocts wfth sfx (6) treataents and four (4) repetftions.The zfnc sulph!te levels tested were 5,10,20, and 40 kg/ha., all of whfch were then coapared to that of the control plot, and to a treatllent chfch received a side dressing of aaonfa sulphate (40 tg/ha) in addition to the basic fertflizer and lfae. The experiaent was fnstalled in red •1atosso10•, clay-lfae base, wfth typ1cal •cer­rado• vegetation􀄠 The rice strain used was IAC-12/46, wfth the seeds havfng been dfsfnfected wfth dry Neantfna at 0,3S.To guage the results, the productfon of kernels and the degree of leaf browning were co•puted. The analysfs of the data revealed that the treataents of zfnc sulphate, fn doses of 5, 10, zo. and 40 tg/ha., showed no signfffcant dffference statfstfcally and were superior to the control plot and the one treated wfth aaonfa sul phate.




CARVALHO, Yvo de; ALMEIDA NETTO, José Xavier de; VALLADARES, Luiz Carlos; BARBOSA, Raulino Antônio; RIBEIRO, Carlos Augusto; NEIVA, Luiz Carlos da Silva. Efeito de níveis de zinco sobre a cultura do arroz em solo de cerrado. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 5, n. 1, p. 34-41, jan./dez. 1975. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2195/2152>.