Ocorrência e frequência de califorídeos e sarcofagídeos em formações de mata e cerrado no município de Goiânia- Goiás

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


Cal lections perfomed in distinct eco logical areas, during the rain and dry seasons, ln Goiânia -Goiás, Brazil, 1975, allowed the determina tian of eight species of Callipharidae and Sarcophagl dae and of the local vegetation. A variation af the frequency of flies in the two callectian areas and in the two periods of the year was estudied toa, as wel 1 as their 1 i k i ng for attractive substracts. The species Pha.en.i.c.i.a. exi.mi.a, Pha.en.i. c.i.a. ce􀉪i.c.ata e ÚXif6a.􀄜c.odexi.a pa.uli.õtan.en.õi.6 weré not found i n the woods, wher􀊔 as Hem-i.lu.c.i.i.i.a 6eg"1c.11ta1ti.a were faund only in this area. The other species were found in both areas.




FERREIRA, Maria Judy de Mello; RIZZO, José Ângelo; RASMUSSEN, Geny; PEREIRA, Irani Fernandes. Ocorrência e frequência de califorídeos e sarcofagídeos em formações de mata e cerrado no município de Goiânia- Goiás. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 10, n. 1, p. 13-26, jan./dez. 1980. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2374/2348>.