The charismatic giant anteater (Myrmecophagatridactyla): a famous John Doe?

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International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)


Species conservation depends on biological knowledge. This study evaluates the current level of scientific knowledge of the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). We conducted a bibliographic search in Web of Science and in Edentata and recovered 81 articles related to the species, scattered throughout 47 journals. Ecology represents the most studied research theme (25 articles) and only 12 articles focus on conservation. There are more in situ (48 articles) than ex situ (32 articles) studies. The small number of conservation articles is cause of concern. Unfortunately the lack of basic knowledge may be one of the reasons hampering the implementation of conservation studies.



Giant anteater, Scientometrics, Myrmecophaga tridactyla, Cienciometria, Tamanduá-bandeira


DINIZ, Milena F.; BRITO, Daniel. The charismatic giant anteater (Myrmecophagatridactyla): a famous John Doe? Edentata, Gland, v. 13, p. 76-83, Dec. 2012.