Consórcio capim-braquiária e milho: comportamento produtivo das culturas e características nutricionais e qualitativas das silagens


The objective of this work was to evaluate differences between silages produced from exclusive cultures or intercropped with corn and signal grass cultures in different sowing arrangements (two lines of signal grass in the corn inter-lines and hand-sowed signal grass in the corn inter-lines) The production of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) for area was evaluated, as well as the qualitative variables of DM in the silages including CP, TDN, NDF, LIG, NFC, NH3, butyric and lactic acids and pH. The corn in exclusive culture, signal grass in two lines and hand-sowed signal grass did not differ in relation to the DM, CP and TDN production or the qualitative variables in relation to the CP, TDN, NDF, LIG, pH, NH3, butyric and lactic acid contents in the silage, showing better behavior than the signal grass exclusive culture. However, the canopy recovery in the area before harvest was faster in the two lines of signal grass in the corn inter-lines.



Agricultura, Conservação de forragem, Fermentação, Integração, Pecuária, Recuperação de pastagens degradadas, Agriculture, Cattle, Forage conservation, Fermentation, Intercrop, Recuperation of degraded pastures


LEONEL, Fernando de Paula; PEREIRA, José Carlos; COSTA, Marcone Geraldo; DE MARCO JUNIOR, Paulo; SILVA, Cássio José da; LARA, Luciano Aurélio. Consórcio capim-braquiária e milho: comportamento produtivo das culturas e características nutricionais e qualitativas das silagens. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, Viçosa, v. 38, n. 1, p. 166-176, jan. 2009.