Thermoregulation and microhabitat choice in Erythrodiplax Latimaculata RIS males (Anisoptera: Libellulidae)

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International Odonatological Foundation, Societas Internationalis Odonatologica S.I.O.


It was assessed whether solar incidence affects the spatial distribution, microhabitat choice, territorial defense, time spent in behavioural categories, activity patterns, and abundance of E. latimaculata. The study was conducted in a semi-lotic area in the Cerrado in Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, using the scan procedure with a xed area, sampling 3 environments, viz. shade, partial shade, and an area with constant solar incidence. There was a higher abundance and activity concentration of this sp. in areas with higher solar incidence than in other areas (H = 19.180; P <0.001). This can be explained by the ecophysiological requirements of E. latimaculata, in which individuals need to be exposed to solar radiation to warm their bodies, allowing the beginning of their activities. Diurnal variation did not affect the behavioural pattern, indicating that individuals are ectothermic and need direct solar incidence on their bodies (H = 12.193; P = 0.160). They spend most of the time perching with wings dropped (41.448 ± 21.781; mean ± SD) and displaying a territorial behaviour, making defense ights around the perch. In lenthic water bodies // seem only to mate and oviposit (exophytic, directly into the water).



Solar incidence, Thermoregulation


CALVÃO, L. B.; VITAL, M. V. C.; JUEN, L.; LIMA FILHO, G. F.; OLIVEIRA-JUNIOR, J. M. B.; PINTO, N. S.; DE MARCO JR., P. Thermoregulation and microhabitat choice in Erythrodiplax Latimaculata RIS males (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica, Utrecht, v. 42, n. 2, p. 97-108, Jun. 2013.