Fauna parasitária intestinal de Chrysocyon brachyurus (lobo-guará) no Parque Nacional das Emas

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Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas


The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is a threatened species. Habitat loss increases the contact of this wild canid with domestic animals, increasing the probability of illnesses transmission from one to another. Therefore, acquiring reliable information on the levels of helminthes infections is essential in terms of endangered species population studies. Our aim was to produce a local database containing information about intestinal parasites diversity found in the population of C. brachyurus that inhabits Programa Nacional das Emas, Goiás/Mato Grosso do Sul. For this purpose, we collected feces in campaigns carried out between July 2008 and January 2009. In the laboratory spontaneous and Baermann‘s method were used to search for eggs, adult larvae, worms and intestinal parasites cysts. We registered six intestinal parasites in different frequencies during the analyses: Ancylostoma caninum, Trichuris vulpis, Ascaris sp., Strongyloides sp., and domestic cysts of Ameba sp. that had been already described as parasites of humans and domestic and/or wildlife animals. We also registered the occurrence of Trichuris cf. trichiura which up to this moment had been only described as a human parasite, occurring also in non-human primates, primates in captivity, and pigs. Habitat fragmentation favors the transmission of parasites from humans and domestic animals to wild ones. Further, such habitat loss increases the index of intestinal parasites in wildlife populations. Along with other factors as hunting and food resource limitation, parasite infection can represent real threats for populations already at risk.



Lobo-guará, Parasitoses intestinais, Conservação, Trichuris vulpis, Maned wolf, Intestinal parasites, Conservation, Trichuris vulpis


BRAGA, Rosana Talita; VYNNE, Carly; LOYOLA, Rafael Dias. Fauna parasitária intestinal de Chrysocyon brachyurus (lobo-guará) no Parque Nacional das Emas. Bioikos, Campinas, v. 24, n. 2, p. 49-55, jan./jun. 2010.