Efeito de fungicidas no controle de brusone (pyricullaia oryzae) e mancha parda (helminthosporiun oryzae) no arroz

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Wilson Ferreira de Oliveira


The effect of the fumgicides ethíltrianol and edifenphos was evaluated, on level of field, aiming control rice, blast (Pyricularia aryzae and Heminthosporium oryzae) in variety IAC • 47. The fungicides were pulverized one or two times in differents concentrations in the stage of panicles emission. The ressults showed that, as to infection level in the panicles,, grain lesions and productivity there was no significant statistical difference between treatments. Refering to infections level in the banner leaves, there was significant statistical different: between treatment and the control




OLIVEIRA, Wilson Ferreira de; SILVEIRA, Cláudio Aparecido da. Efeito de fungicidas no controle de brusone (pyricullaia oryzae) e mancha parda (helminthosporiun oryzae) no arroz. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 1, p. 53-57, jan./dez. 1990. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2590/2563>.