Flutuação populacional de dorcacerus barbatus (Olivier, 1970) coleoptera: cerambycidae em pomar de jabuticabeira

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


lt was studied the populational íluctuatiou of adults of Dorcacerus barbatus (Olivier, 1790) injabuticabcira orchard Myrciariajaboticaba Bcrg. (Myrtaceae). Tbe metereological agents influence on the populational fluctuation wbich was also analysed. The study was carried out with jabuticaba trces, cv. Sabará, at about 10 years old from June 1983 until May 1985. The experimental area was composed by 2 hectare in Piracicaba, São Paulo State. The collections were gatbered weekly with traps containing sugar cane syrup at 20%. The mumbcr of traps per hectare was 10. October, November and December were tbe montbs with largest insect ocurrence with 82,3% of collected specimens. November sbowed the highest populational peak witb 44% of collected adults. The traps were efficient reducing to 38,7% and 51,2% the male and female population along the year, respectively. Tbe rain influenced lhe number of collected adults along thc period of 1893/84.




GARCIA, Antonio Henrique; SILVA, Valacia Lemes da; PEREIRA, Eliamar Aparecida. Flutuação populacional de dorcacerus barbatus (Olivier, 1970) coleoptera: cerambycidae em pomar de jabuticabeira. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 21/22, n. 1, p. 17-25, jan./dez. 1991/92. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2599/2581>.