Preservação de feijão armazenado, tratado com inseticida de origem biológica do grupo das avermectinas


Aiming to study altematives to control Acanthoscelides obtecJus in beans grain, it was made this cxpcrimcnl, evaluating lhe abamectin's efficiency. The experimental deign was complctely randomized in factorial scheme 6 x 7, with 3 replicalions. There were 6 grain treatments and 7 storage periods. lt was used beans grain 'EMGOPA - 201 ', trcatcd with abamectin in dos.ages 1,0. 3,0 and 5,0 ppm. pirimifós--metil (10 ppm) and deltamctrina + fenitrothion (0,4 + 7,5 ppm), and control. Aflcr treatment. grain samplcs wcrc kcpt away, packaged in a boule with web ird, and infcs1ed with 20 no sexed insects. The insecticide cfficicncy was evaluate 02, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days after treatmenl. lt was observcd that írom 30 days storage, all products reduced the alive insects number and that abamectin insocticide must be recommcnded in 3,0 ppm dosage.




VELOSO, Valquíria da Rocha Santos; ITII , Edvânia Mayumi ; OLIVEIRA, Sandra Maria de; MESQUITA, Sandra Queiroz Porto. Preservação de feijão armazenado, tratado com inseticida de origem biológica do grupo das avermectinas. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 21/22, n. 1, p. 153-161, jan./dez. 1991/92. Disponível em: <>.