Efeito da água tratada com biguanida polimérica (V antocil IB) sobre o quadro eritrocitário e proteínas plasmáticas totais de frangos de corte

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


The aim of the present worl< was to evaluate the effect of treated water with polymeric biguanide (V antocil IB), with differents dilutions, upon the erithrocyte parameters and total plasma proteins ofbroilers. Five treatments and four repetitions were assayed, with total of 200 broilers. Group 1 : not treated water - negative witness; Group 2: sodium hypoclorite with treated water (0,4-0,6 ppm) - positive witness; Group 3: polymeric biguanide treated water (Vantocil 1B - 1 :2000); Group 4: polymeric biguanide treated water (Vantocil 1B - 1:4000); Group 5: polymeric biguanide treated water (Vantocil 1B - 1 :6000). Toe experimental unit was represented by ten broilers, and the experiment was conducted from July to August, 1995, during 42 days. At the end blood was spooned by puncture cardiac of one broiler of each group. The total plasma proteins was quantified for refratometric metod, the average ofthe treatments did not differ statistically (P<0,05) for the Tukey T est.



Sangue, Parâmetros eritrocitários, Proteínas plasmáticas totais, Blood, Erithrocyte parameters, Total plasma proteins


VIEIRA, Dirson; CAFÉ, Marcos Barcellos; SILVA, Kenya Marluce Borges da; MESQUITA, Albenones José de. Efeito da água tratada com biguanida polimérica (Vantocil IB) sobre o quadro eritrocitário e proteínas plasmáticas totais de frangos de corte. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 26, n. 1, p. 21-26, jan./jun. 1996. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2923/2970>.