Tratamento de abscessos subcutâneos com ácido metacresolsulfônico associado á nitrofurazona e á aplicação parenteral de enrofloxacina


The utilization of methacresolsulphonic acid topically, associated with nitrofurazone, in addition to the parenteral application of enrofloxacin was described in the treatment of subcutaneous abscesses in 36 animais (22 bovines, four caprines, five equines, two swines, one ovine, one mule and one buffalo ). Medical treatment was initiated after incision; drainage and lavage of the abscess with an antiseptic solution were made in order to remove any foreign material which might still be in the lesion. Only two animais showed relapses, attributed both to the inadequate utilization of the therapeutic procedures and to the non.<Jbservation of post-operatory hygienic measures. The association of these drugs proved to be effective and the drainage should be attempted in the more ventral area of the lesion, and the pathologic process resolution might occur between 10-15 days.



Abscesso, Ácido metacresolsulfonico, Nitrofurazona, Abscess, Metacresolsuphonic acid, Nitrofurazone


FIORAVANTI, Maria Clorinda Soares; SILVA, Luiz Antônio Franco da; MOREIRA, Paulo César; JAYME, Valéria de Sá; BORGES, Gabriela Teixeira; RODRIGUES, Nara Martins de Oliveira e. Tratamento de abscessos subcutâneos com ácido metacresolsulfônico associado á nitrofurazona e á aplicação parenteral de enrofloxacina. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 26, n. 2, p. 1-7, jul./dez. 1996. Disponível em: <>.