Efeito do tratamento da água de bebida com biguanida polimérica (v antocil ib) sobre o desempenho e sanidade de frangos de corte


The present work airned to evaluate the effect of the water treated with polymeric biguanide (Vantocil IB) in dilferent dilutions upon the sanitary conditions ofbroilers. Five treatments and four repetitions were assayed with 200 broilers. Group l : not treated water - negative witness; Group 2: sodiurn hypoclorite treated water (0,4-0,6 ppm) - positive witness; Group 3: polymeric biguanide treated water (Vantocil 1B - l :2000); Group 4: polymeric biguanide treated water (Vantocil 1B - 1 :4000); Group 5: polymeric biguanide treated water (Vantocil 1B - 1 :6000). The experimental unit was represented by ten broi!ers, and the experiment was concluctedfiumJuly to August, 1995, during 42 days. Toe results pointed out that there was no influence in ration consurnption, weight gain and medium weight Groups 5 e 4 presented the best performance while Group 3 presented the worst results. Polymeric biguanide as well as sodiurn hypoclorite proved to be efficient in the tested dilutions.



Agua, Biguanida polimérica, Frangos de corte, Water, Polymeric biguanide, Broilers


CAFÉ, Marcos Barcellos; MESQUITA, Albenones José de; SILVA, Kenya Marluce Borges da; MOJYCA, Nadja Susana; VIEIRA, Dirson. Efeito do tratamento da água de bebida com biguanida polimérica (v antocil ib) sobre o desempenho e sanidade de frangos de corte. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 26, n. 1, p. 27-36, jan./jun. 1996. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2924/2971>.