Níveis de selênio em pastagens de cerrado e efeitos da suplementação sobre o desempenho de cordeiros

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


This experiment was carried out in the Água Limpa Fann, of the University of Brasília, ainting to estimate the levei of selenium and its variation during lhe year in some cultivated pastures ofthe cerrados region (Andropogon gayanus var. bisquarnu!a­tus, Brachiaria decumhens and Brachiaria ruziziensis). ln the other hand, it was determined the elfects of the supplementation, through intrarnuscular applications, in 24 Bergamacia weaned lambs. Pastures samples were collected trying to simulate the animal grazing, at intervals of84 days, and dilferent chenticalmethods of deterntinati­on of selenium were evaluated. The fluorometric method hás the best response and the leveis of the samples varied from 0,025 to 0,075 ppm. ln relation to the lambs, dilference in weight gains were not statistically significant (P>0,05).



Cerrados brasileiros, Ovinos, Suplementação de selênio, Brazilian savannas ("cerrados"), Sheep, Selenium supplementation


STRINGHINI, José Henrique; MIRANDA , Roberto Meirelles de; LOPES, Henrique Otávio da Silva. Níveis de selênio em pastagens de cerrado e efeitos da suplementação sobre o desempenho de cordeiros. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 27, n. 1, p. 85-91, jan./jun. 1997. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2956/3002>.