Avaliação da eficiência e seletividade dos herbicidas raptor (Imazamox) e pivot (Imazethapyr) na cultura da soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)


This experiment was canied out at Escola de Agronmnia-UnivelSidade Federal de Goiás in Goiás State, with the pmpose to eva1uate efficícucy and se1ectivity of Rapto,: (lnwamox) andPivot(Imazethapyr) on weed controlin the soybean crop. Seven treptments weretested: !-Raptor DG+acol (42gai/ha); Raptor DG+Cico1 (49g ai/ha); PivotDG+Cicol (80g ai/ha); Pivot DG+aco1 (98g ai/ha); Pivot AS (100g ai/ha); Flex+Encrgic (250g ailha-+-0,2%) not weeded contro1. Tbese treatments were planled as nmdmnm:d blocks design with fuur rep1ications. Toe soybean cultivar was Emgopa 313 sowing in 50 cm spacing and 20 p1antslm density. At third evaluation, the treatments controled more than 90"/o of Sida rlromhifolia L., B/ai,n,i/lea rhomboidea Cass., Spermacoce /atifolia Aubl., Commelina nudijlora L. and Ipomoea purpurea Lam.



Soja, Plantas-daninhas, Imazamox, Imazetaphyr, Soybean, Weed


MORAIS, Lizz Kezzy de; XIMENES, Paulo Alcanfor; PINHEIRO, José Baldin; BRASIL , Edward Madureira; BENATTI, Fabrício Vergueiro. Avaliação da eficiência e seletividade dos herbicidas raptor (Imazamox) e pivot (Imazethapyr) na cultura da soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 28, n. 2, p. 107-112, jul./dez. 1998. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/3001/3044>.