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    Caracterização geotécnica de uma areia reciclada para uso em estruturas de solo reforçado (ESR) com geossintéticos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-26) Oliveira, Priscila; Santos, Eder Carlos Guedes dos
    The construction industry (CI) is an important sector of the economy, once it generates many jobs directly and indirectly. However, the CI causes intense extraction of raw natural and produces large volumes of construction and demolition waste (CDW).Recycling this waste appears as an environmentally friendly destination.Recycled construction and demolition waste (RCDW) has shown wide applicability in geotechnical works.In this scenario, this study presents the geotechnical characterization (physical and mechanical properties) of a RCDW (called “brown sand”). The RCDW samples were collected during along period to verify the properties’variability.The characterization of the materialused the methods usually performed in geotechnical characterization of soils.The investigation of the RCDW mechanical properties was carried outby direct shear tests. Analysis revealed that the RCDW presented particle size distribution curveswithlow variability and very close to the limitsstated bysome International Standardsfor reinforced soil backfill material.Direct shear tests showedthe material has excellent values of friction angleandsignificant values of cohesion. It is concluded that the RCDW revealed to be a material with excellent geotechnical properties, whichmakes itan interesting material to be used in geotechnical worksand very attractive due to the environmental aspects.
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    Análise multitemporal do uso e cobertura do solo, lâmina d’água e frequência de fogo da região hidrográfica do Tocantins-Araguaia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-30) Ribeiro, Hugo José; Bernardino, Tales Emanuel Silva
    The Hydrographic Region of Tocantins –Araguaia is an important region of socioeconomic development in the country, corresponding to 11% of the national territorial area and is the second largest region in terms of water availability. In recent decades there has been an increase in the demand for this resource, which raises an alert about the negative impacts arising from its inadequate management. The objective of this study was to analyze the multitemporal behavior of land use and cover, water depth dimensions and fire frequency of the Tocantins-Araguaia -MHTA hydrographic macro-region and its mesoregions, using data made available by the Mapbiomas Platform between the years of 1985 and 2020. For this, raster data available on the platform were used, which were classified and processed using GIS tools, in order to extract the information necessary for the study. The results showed a significant decrease in the water depth in the Araguaia hydrographic mesoregion –MHA, a process that has intensified due to the increase in the conversion of land use classes, mainly for pasture and cultivation activities. The other regions, despite not showing significant changes in water depth, had undergone major land use conversion processes that impacted the increase in fire frequency, causing significant losses to the region's biological diversity.
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    Aplicação do design generativo no dimensionamento de barreiras acústicas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-12) Cardoso, Lucas Martins; Rocha, Dariane Gomes; Reis, Ricardo Prado Abreu
    Controlling road traffic noise close to inhabited areas can be achieved by installing sound barriers. Nonetheless, the design process of such elements requires large amount of time and energy from the designer on a trial and error cycle. Aiming to automate part of this dynamic, especially in its early stages, this paper proposes a sizing and performance evaluation model for noise barriers, created through visual programming and generative design. Thus, from a hypothetical scenario – a terrain adjacent to a highway – it was sought to find the points with the greatest possible attenuation after the insertion of a thin and semi-infinite barrier in free field conditions. Performed with an evolutionary solver, the analyses were organized by the barrier height and type of sound source (point or line sources). Attenuation values were calculated separately for each receiver height and frequency octave band (from 63 Hz to 8 kHz). For simplification purposes, material characteristics and weather effects were not considered. The results shown in the graphs correspond to expectations prior to the simulations – the higher the receiver in relation to the barrier, the lower the sound reduction – proving the efficiency of the method used. The best values could be easily selected and the visualization of the solutions made in real time.
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    Avaliação da aplicação de medidas de segurança do trabalho em obras de pequeno porte
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-21) Cândido, Jeferson Lucas; Morais, Lucas Salomão Rael de; Reis, Ricardo Prado Abreu
    small works, due to the provisional characteristics of some construction systems at the construction site, smaller services, short execution times and temporary labor, these present the worst health and safety conditions in civil construction. This article aims to evaluate and quantify compliance with regulatory standards related to the health and safety of workers in small construction sites located in the city of Goiânia (GO). The study was based on carrying out field surveys to assess work routines and apply a checklist in order to identify the degree of compliance with regulatory requirements. Based on the collected data, it was found that most of the evaluated items were considered “non-compliant” in two of the evaluated construction sites (with indexes above 50%). The omission of the use of personal protective equipment was evidenced in all cases, as well as the absence of basic hydrosanitary facilities. It appears that small works are less complex constructions, however, this does not mean that they should receive less rigor in the application of regulations and measures of health and safety at work.
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    Estudo do colapso de misturas solo, fosfogesso e bentonita visando o uso em camada de barreira hudráulica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-23) Morais, Lidiane Santana de; Lima Júnior, João Carneiro de; Morais, Gustavo Ferreira de; Borges, Yago Isaias da Silva; Antunes, Aline Flávia Nunes Remígio; Mascarenha, Márcia Maria dos Anjos
    The use of phosphogypsum and bentonite in tropical soils stabilization, aiming at the use in hydraulic barriers, has been studied, and the results of permeability, compatibility and resistance have been promising, but there are no studies about collapse potential of these materials. Therefore, the objective of this study is to verify the collapse potential of tropical soil, phosphogypsum and bentonite mixtures for application in hydraulic barriers. In order to get it, double oedometric tests were carried out in compacted samples at optimum water content on soil’s samples, soil+phosphopgypsum, soil+phosphopgypsum+bentonite (6%) and soil+phosphosgypsum+bentonite (9%). Chemical dispersion tests were carried out with water, NaCl, NaOH, alcohol and HNO3, representing scenarios of contamination by solutions acidic, basic, salts and alcohols. The results of the oedometric tests show that the soil and the mixtures have not collapsed. In addition, the mixtures studied showed similar and smaller deformations when compared to other types of recycled materials. The dispersion test showed that the addition of chemical stabilizers reduces the dispersion of particles in aqueous medium. No significant structural changes were observed in samples flooded with NaCl and ethanol solutions. However, under NaOH and HNO3 flood conditions, the mixtures do not perform satisfactorily. Therefore, the use of these mixtures in hydraulic barriers is not recommended when the percolating fluid is an acid or base, especially in the presence of sodium.
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    Materiais utilizados em reforços de estruturas de concreto: mapeamento literário
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-12) Polveiro, Ágatha Julie Farias; Miranda, Erika Severino de; Silva, Jéssica de Moura e; Bacarji, Edgar
    Embora possuam alta resistência mecânica, as estruturas de concreto armado estão sujeitas a falhas que podem reduzir sua durabilidade e/ou inviabilizar o seu uso, seja por mudanças de utilização ou erros executivos. Assim, foram desenvolvidos ao longo dos anos variados materiais e métodos de reparos e reforços estruturais eficientes para tal finalidade. Logo, este estudo tem como objetivo demonstrar o desenvolvimento do estado da arte, evidenciando a relevância do assunto na atualidade identificando lacunas de conhecimento e apresentando como se deu o desenvolvimento do tema ao longo dos anos. Para tanto, foi realizado um mapeamento literário sobre o tema. Elaborou-se uma string de busca para filtrar artigos relacionados ao assunto no portal de periódicos da CAPES, sendo selecionados artigos de periódicos para análise. Foi realizada uma análise bibliométrica e qualitativa de modo a servir como parâmetro para pesquisadores no aprofundamento de estudos na linha de materiais para reforços de estruturas de concreto. Concluiu-se que dentre os vários materiais promissores para o uso em reforço de estruturas de concreto, nota-se a relevância dos Polímeros Reforçados com Fibras (PRF) e os compósitos cimentícios. Ambos se destacaram no mapeamento literário como os grupos com mais artigos publicados, predominando no meio científico e, portanto, com maior potencial de aplicabilidade no mercado.
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    Blocos modulares não convencionais com subprodutos de britagem: influência de pigmentos inorgânicos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-12) Bacarji, Edgar; Ferreira, Fabíolla Xavier Rocha; Souza, Larissa Alves de; Camargo, Henrique Santiago de
    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da adição dos pigmentos inorgânicos nas cores vermelha, amarela e verde em blocos destinados à construção modular. Os blocos foram fabricados com o traço 1:5 (cimento: agregados totais), em massa, utilizando como agregados areia artificial, fíler e micro fíler; todos, subprodutos de britagem. Foram incorporados 0% (traço de referência), 5%, 10% e 15% dos pigmentos em relação à massa do cimento e em substituição parcial ao fíler. Para a confecção dos blocos, utilizou-se uma prensa hidráulica com capacidade de prensagem de 8,0 tf. Foram determinadas as densidades dos blocos e realizados os ensaios de absorção total de água e de resistência à compressão. Além disso, com o fim de analisar os efeitos dos pigmentos sobre a porosidade dos blocos, foram realizados ensaios de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), que indicaram uma microestrutura mais densa para os blocos que apresentaram menor absorção total de água. Verificou-se ainda que o efeito da adição dos pigmentos varia conforme o formato dos grãos e porcentagem de pigmento. Os blocos que tiveram melhores desempenhos mecânicos foram os com 5% de pigmento amarelo, 10% e 15% de pigmento verde e 15% de pigmento vermelho, todos estes com desempenhos superiores ao desempenho dos blocos de referência, sem pigmento.
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    Avaliação do comportamento reológico das matrizes cimentícias com a adição de nanotubos de carbono: uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL) – parte 2
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-30) Martins, Bárbara Gomes; Oliveira, Andrielli Morais de; Cascudo, Oswaldo
    Os nano-materiais têm sido cada vez mais empregados nos compósitos cimentícios, visto que estes são tipicamente caracterizados como materiais frágeis com baixa resistência à tração e baixa capacidade de deformação. Dentro da categoria de nano-materiais encontram-se os nanotubos de carbono (NTCs). Este trabalho faz uma continuação da Parte 1, trazendo os resultados bibliométricos dessa RSL e as contribuições adquiridas para o estado da arte dos parâmetros reológicos das matrizes cimentícias reforçadas com NTCs. Diante dos resultados é possível concluir que a string de busca foi eficaz para encontrar pesquisas que estudam reologia de matrizes cimentícias incorporadas com NTCs. Contudo, a correlação dos artigos visando isolar o efeito dos NTCs se torna inviável diante da vasta disponibilidade de variações nas composições das matrizes cimentícias. De uma forma geral, foi verificada uma maior tendência no aumento da viscosidade ao introduzir NTCs nas matrizes, o que geralmente é atribuído à grande superfície específica dos NTCs. Diante da natureza hidrofóbica do NTCs, existe uma variedade de: matrizes cimentícias; características do NTC; funcionalização da superfície; aditivo utilizado no processo; método para dispersão adotado e suas características; teor de NTC incorporado em relação à massa de cimento; relação a/c; entre outros. Portanto, mais pesquisas devem ser desenvolvidas de forma a correlacionar as variáveis que circundam os NTCs para potencializar seu uso nos compósitos cimentícios.
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    Avaliação do comportamento reológico das matrizes cimentícias com a adição de nanotubos de carbono: uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL) – parte 1
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-30) Martins, Bárbara Gomes; Oliveira, Andrielli Morais de; Cascudo, Oswaldo
    A reologia do concreto afeta seu processo de mistura, manuseio, transporte, bombeamento, moldagem, adensamento, acabamento e qualidade da superfície após o endurecimento. A incorporação de nanomateriais nos compósitos cimentícios, como os nanotubos de carbono (NTC), pode influenciar os parâmetros do estado fresco. Contudo, ainda existem poucos trabalhos e uma grande variedade de resultados envolvendo parâmetros reológicos de matrizes cimentícias reforçadas com NTC. Este artigo visa levantar os principais parâmetros reológicos de matrizes cimentícias incorporadas com NTC através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura (Parte 1). Os dados bibliométricos foram apresentados na Parte 2. Compreender como os diferentes componentes e aditivos interagem e influenciam o comportamento reológico permite a criação de matrizes com propriedades avançadas. Muitos estudos mostraram que a tensão de escoamento e a viscosidade dos compósitos cimentícios com NTC mostraram uma tendência linear na primeira hora de hidratação. Ainda, o reforço com NTC aumentou gradativamente a tensão de escoamento e a viscosidade das pastas de cimento em parte das pesquisas. Isso se deve, principalmente, à alta superfície específica do NTC. Ao mesmo tempo, outros autores apontaram esse efeito ser reduzido ou até anulado através do uso de aditivos superplastificantes, como concretos autonivelantes, argamassas de alta aderência e materiais de reparo com características específicas.
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    Determinação do limite da faixa de inundação com uso do hec-ras para o parque linear do córrego Macambira em Goiânia, Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-06) Oliveira, Fernanda Almeida de; Prudente, Carolina Queiroz Arantes; Oliveira, Juliana Almeida de; Pereira, Tatiane Souza Rodrigues; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins
    This study aimed to define the flood inundation area of the stream Macambira to implement a linear park. This stream is the subject of a project called Urban Environmental Program-Macambira Anicuns, which aims to transform the banks of these two streams in a public park for the city of Goiania. The stream in question, not different from the others in the urban area, is currently degraded and the floodplain areas occupied by disorderly houses, shops, small industries and plantations. To define the maximum perimeter of the park, its area of coverage, a hydrodynamic study was necessary with the delimitation of flood area of Macambira's urban stream margins, in Goiania, using high-resolution topography and HEC-RAS software. Overall, the flood of band obtained for the study area was flooded in the natural channel of the stream. However, there are overflowing in some points, reaching the streets and places of populated areas, reaching up to 70 meters from the natural channel. Thus, the modeling HEC-RAS allowed contemplate the current diagnosis of the drainage system Stream Macambira, focusing on the hydraulic behavior of the existing drainage channel, providing the basis for the project, so that we can establish effective intervention strategies more appropriate for each situation.
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    Pisos intertravados com a incorporação de resíduos minerais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-08-29) Lopes, Rayane Campos; Bacarji, Edgar
    In crushing rocks for the production of aggregates for the construction industry, a large amount of residue (artificial sand and quarry dust) is generated. The artificial sand is already used as fine aggregate replacing the natural sand of the river. The quarry dust, instead, remains stored in the courtyards of the producers of aggregates and their improper disposal can cause environmental problems and to human health. Seeking a technically and environmentally correct disposal for this waste, in this research it is studied the effect of incorporation on the mechanical properties and durability of concrete paving blocks. It was analyzed the compressive strength at 07, 28 and 90 days and the absorptions at 28 days. Six mixtures were studied: one reference mixture 1:2 (cement: total dry aggregates) (without addition of quarry dust) and five with replacement of 10% of the total aggregate for the quarry dust. It was also evaluated the effect of the addition of a plasticizer additive in the features mentioned above. The results showed that the incorporation of quarry dust was beneficial. There was an increase of resistance found in mixture 1:2 with quarry dust compared to mixture 1:2 without quarry dust. As the absorption, there was no significant difference between these mixtures. As the plasticizer additive, its effect caused significant decreases in both resistance values and the absorptions as compared to mixtures not containing additives. From the perspective of environmental protection, results were also promising considering that in all mixtures was replaced 10% of the total aggregate (sand and coarse aggregate) for quarry dust generated by the crushing of rocks.
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    Sistemas prediais de infiltração de água de chuva: aplicações, limitações e perspectivas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-12-30) Reis, Ricardo Prado Abreu; Teixeira, Paula de Castro; Ilha, Marina Sangoi de Oliveira
    One of the results of badly planned urbanization is alteration of the water balance and an increased volume of runoff. The application and refinement of low impact development techniques seek to minimize this impact. The objective of this paper was to compile studies related to the application and performance analysis of on-site rainwater infiltration systems, taking a look at the challenges and gaps confronting the advancement of this technology. As a method of searching for and selecting information, research questions were delimited regarding implementation, performance, project parameters, cost, benefits and limitations. The results indicate positive points and limiting factors, and point out the challenges and questions that need to be investigated and clarified on the use of infiltration systems. The presentation of compensatory solutions for urban drainage and of functional principles of on-site drainage systems, based on infiltration techniques, and also of the identification of the limitations hindering the large-scale application of these techniques, help broaden knowledge on the topic within the technical field and of construction industry professionals, enabling the development of a modern vision and a more selective, critical sense regarding the design of integrated drainage solutions in urban areas that provide for greater sustainability in the built environment.
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    Puncionamento em lajes planas de concreto armado com armadura de cisalhamento interna
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-12-11) Trautwein, Leandro Mouta; Gomes, Ronaldo Barros; Melo, Guilherme Sales Soares de Azevedo
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    PCBS e a contaminação do solo: risco ambiental e à saúde humana
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-11-18) Cruvinel, Karla Alcione da Silva; Oliveira, Adjane Damasceno de; Kopp, Katia Alcione; Ferreira, Evaldo de Melo
    The various human activities aimed at economic development, arising mainly from industrial production, generate byproducts/waste chemicals, which if not handled properly, bring harm to soil, water, animals and plants, the last two being, achieved through phenomenon called bioaccumulation. Polychlorinated biphenyls are derived, for example, the burning of materials organochlorines, which are substances with high toxicity used industrially from the 30 (thirty). Because of this, a portion of this contaminant came into contact with the environment and, consequently, with the human being. The Ministry of Environment (MMA) has the National Plan for Management and Disposal of PCBs, polychlorinated biphenyls. In this work, we performed a survey of research related to environmental contamination and potential toxicity of these substances. For this, a review was made of titles and abstracts available at the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI Web of Science), using the key words "soil contamination" and "polychlorinated biphenyls". Besides searching in ISI Web of Science, was made available in the job search portal Google Scholar, and also in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). The publications of surveys used in the making of this investigation demonstrate the historical use of PCBs, the characteristics and potential of contamination on the environment and human health. In the results presented is the harmful effect of this substance to man, and the intake of food and contact with contaminated equipment, the main routes of exposure.
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    Estudo comparativo entre os modelos SWMM e HEC-HMS para simulação de escoamento superficial – caso de estudo bacia do Córrego Samambaia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-10-18) Souza, Rávila Marques de; Crispim, Diogo Coelho; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins
    The present study aimed comparing the models Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) and the Engineering Center‐Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC‐HMS) to simulate the process of runoff from a design rainfall. There so, the chosen place to the case studies was the watershed of Samambaia streamlet, located in Goiânia ‐ GO. For comparison of the simulation methods were considered two assumptions: the sub‐divided in five subcatchments and the single catchment. This paper presents the comparison of the results of the modeling of runoff for the two models, as well, some considerations about the utilization of two hydrologic models.
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    Avaliação da contribuição de vazamentos de água no sistema de esgoto
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-11-10) Scalize, Paulo Sergio; Leite, Wellington Cyro de Almeida
    This study evaluated the contribution, at sewerage system, of water from leaks in a city of approximately 200,000 inhabitants, in the state of São Paulo. During the study, teams localized and repaired water leaks in a pipeline with 4,271 water connections by using listening rods, electronic geophone, drill rods and probes. 99 leaks were detected, being 3 in networks stations, 83 in extensions and 13 in easel records. Except the last ones, all the others leaks were no visible leaks (VNV) which infiltrated the sewer system. After its location and repair works, the volume of distributed water decrease from 3,500 m³/day to 2,680 m³/day, reflecting a reduction in nighttime minimum flow (from 15.0 to 2.5 L/s) and maximum flow rate (90 L/s to less than 60L/s). Reflections over the sewer system could be observed by decrease in electricity consumption for the sewage pumping system of pumping’s station of this sector. The observed decrease is related to the water from VNV’s which infiltrated the sewer system, contributing to a longer operation of booster pumps. After repairing of the VNV, the electricity consumption had an average reduction of 44.0 to 30.3 kwh/day, ie 31.05%. The reduction of sewage influent to the Wastewater Treatments Plant could be checked in as a whole,  where the average flow decreased to 457.14 L/s in 2005 to 402.75 L/s in 2006, representing a reduction of 11, 90%, or less than 1,707,993 m³/year sewer. This is due to the intensification of research VNV across the city, where about 1,200 leaks were detected in 2006.
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    Sistemática de cálculo para o dimensionamento de galerias de águas pluviais: uma abordagem alternativa
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-07-25) Menezes Filho, Frederico Carlos Martins de; Costa, Alfredo Ribeiro da
    The use of tables for the design of storm sewer system is considered by both professionals and training students as a hard task due to the need for successive interpolations in the search of the depth‐diameter ratio and of velocity imposed as thresholds, given the essential condition of the design as partially filled pipes. In this way, the replacement of tables and nomographs by equations that can be arranged in a spreadsheet speeds up the process and understanding of calculations. This study aimed at developing a systematic calculation for the design of storm sewer systems as opposed to the use of tables based on the Manning's Formula. An advantage in relation to the traditional process using interpolations lies on the time spent and the possibility of using spreadsheets available in personal computers. The development of the set of equations was based on Saatçi (1990), by imposing thresholds for the depth‐diameter ratio and velocity. Another required step was the adimensionalization for calculating the central angle given the different existing commercial diameters. The equations for the central angle and depth‐diameter ratio presented a high coefficient of determination (R²=0.99). The equations were tested for eight hypothetical stretches of storm sewer systems including the following restrictions: the depth‐diameter ratio and velocity resulting in values similar to tabulated. This process aims to reduce the time and ease the analysis of alternatives such as changes of diameters and even the slope in the design of storm sewer systems.
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    Verificação do dimensionamento das galerias de águas pluviais em uma sub‐bacia do Córrego Botafogo na cidade de GOIÂNIA‐GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-07-23) Menezes Filho, Frederico Carlos Martins de; Costa, Alfredo Ribeiro da
    The uncontrolled urbanization occurring in large Brazilian cities caused by the lack of planning regarding the land occupation and use has led to an intense surface sealing and consequent increase in runoff. In addition, the non‐ development of urban drainage designs and the conduction of undersized drainage systems have enhanced the environmental sanitation problems, generating insecurity to the population in rainy periods. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the storm sewer design in a highly anthropized area in the city of Goiânia, Goiás State. To this end, it was first sought information on existing network. Afterwards, it was implemented a systematic calculation to design the storm sewer that could combine practical tools, such as spreadsheets and application of equations instead of using tables present in the use of the Rational Method. The equations were based on Saatçi (1990) for the steady flow. Along with the equations, a flowchart was developed showing the steps needed for the design. The information of storm sewer were compared with the performed design, taking into account some conservative considerations like the runoff coefficient of 0.50 adopted by the PMG – Municipal City Hall of Goiânia, as well as the time of entry of 10 minutes. The results pointed out diameters below the required for the study area, indicating recurrent problems whenever necessary. Besides a proper design of the storm sewer it was also emphasized the need for using compensatory techniques in the study, in order to mitigate the existing problems.
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    Avaliação de sistema de tratamento de águas de chuva coletadas em telhado de cimento amianto, utilizando filtração e desinfecção por UV e cloro
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-01-09) Reis, Ricardo Prado Abreu; Rocha, Barbara Cristina Castro de Melo; Araújo, José Vicente Granato de
    The need for the development of building technologies with low environmental impact has been promoting new ways of designing building hydraulic fittings systems. The search for alternative sources of water supply, such as the use of rainwater, has been requested by the general population. However, this technique has been employed in urban buildings without proper scientific rigor, necessary to achieve water with the quality suitable for its use. Thus, this research aims to evaluate a treatment system of rainwater in a building with asbestos cement roof. The experimental system for the treatment of rainwater consists of two modules for membrane filtration of 25 microns followed by an UV disinfection unit and the other followed by a chlorine disinfection unit. The results of physical chemical and bacteriological tests show that both methods are effective for obtaining water with a higher quality.
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    Avaliação multitemporal do uso e cobertura do solo da bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão João Leite utilizando imagens landsat-5
    (2015-12) Oliveira, Wellington Nunes de; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino
    The analysis of land use and land cover is fundamental for the strategic planning to the conservation and management of a watershed. This study aimed to analyze the landscape of the catchment area of João Leite River, located in the State of Goiás, to the Northwest of the city of Goiânia, the state capital, using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing to prepare an environmental assessment of that watershed. A multi-temporal analysis using images obtained by the TM sensor installed in the Landsat-5 satellite, from 1985 to 2011 showed, in the catchment area of the João Leite River, a decrease of 7.4 % in the native vegetation area. Considering the municipalities integrating the basin, Anápolis was where most deforestation occurred in areas with native vegetation (11.1%). These results are relevant to institutions dealing with environmental management, showing that deforestation is directly related to the environmental quality of the basin, which has as one of its uses the urban water supply of municipalities located in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia.