Ensino desenvolvimental: contribuições à superação do dilema da didática


The article discusses the training of teachers in un- dergraduate courses, particularly in Pedagogy, highlighting the dilemma involving fundamental didactics and specific didactics. Based on the advo- cacy of the idea that overcoming this dilemma is essential to teach at K-12 education, it describes the theory of developmental education and argues for its contributions to face this dilemma, given the scope of K-12 educa- tion primary goal: the conscious, critical learning of school subjects as a primary condition for students to understand and analyze the world where they live.



Didática, Ensino desenvolvimental, Educação básica, Didactics, K-12 Education, Developmental teaching


FREITAS, Raquel Aparecida Marra da Madeira; ROSA, Sandra Valéria Limonta. Ensino desenvolvimental: contribuições à superação do dilema da didática. Educação e Realidade, Porto Alegre, v. 40, n. 2, p. 613-627, abr./jun. 2015.