Interferência de plantas daninhas na cultura de repolho transplantado

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João Batista Duarte


In tropical regions, irrigated vegetable crops are subject to strong weed interference. In Brazil there are few herbicides registered for use in brassica crops. Weed control is usually done by hoeing or mechanical cultivation. Cabbage and other brassicas are planted by transplanting to shorten the weed interference period. The effect of weed control on the productive performance of Fuyotoyo hybrid cabbage crop, was investigated in Goiânia from May 17th through August 22th, 2002. The experimental design was randomized blocks in four replications of the following treatments: no weeding after transplanting, weeding once, one month or two months after transplanting, and weeding twice, one and two months after transplanting. Regarding yield (kg.ha-1) and number of marketable heads as well as average head weight, the weeding treatments were similar to each other but significantly better than the control. The plants of plots weeded once, one month after transplanting, and twice (one and two months after transplanting) were significantly earlier than those weeded only once, two month after transplanting, or not weeded. The ratio between head width and height and the harvesting concentration rate were not influenced by treatments.



Brassica oleracea, Produtividade, Precocidade, Concentração de colheita, Plantas invasoras, Yield, Earliness, Harvest concentration, Weed control


SONNENBERG, Peter Ernst; SILVA, Natan Fontoura da. Interferência de plantas daninhas na cultura de repolho transplantado. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, Goiânia, v. 35, n. 1, p. 9-11, jan./abr. 2005. Disponível em: <>.