Precipitações máximas diárias esperadas para as regiões central e sudeste de Goiás

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João Gaspar Farias


In water management projects, mainly those related to water accumulation or conduction, the knowledge of expected precipitations for the different conditions is fundamental. The objective of this research was to determine the expected maxima precipitation for different Times of Return (TR), for the Central and Southeast regions of the Goiás State, Brazil. Daily precipitation data of 36 rain gages were used, obtained from the Brazilian National Water Agency (ANA) database, organized in an electronic worksheet and treated by the Kimball methodology for TR determination. The results indicated that differences between extreme values of maxima precipitations, for the same TR, exceeded 50% the lower precipitation values. This study also showed that the Northwest and Southeast regions of the studied area present large precipitation values, and the Central and East regions present lower values. These results emphasize the need for adoption of local values for planning hydraulic projects.



Chuva, Hidrologia, Período de retorno, Rain, Hidrology, Return period


MESQUITA, Wilson Oliveira; GRIEBELER, Nori Paulo; OLIVEIRA, Luiz Fernando Coutinho de. Precipitações máximas diárias esperadas para as regiões central e sudeste de Goiás. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, Goiânia, v. 39, n. 2, p. 73-81, abr./jun. 2009. Disponível em: <>.