História indígena, antropologia e fontes orais: questões teóricas e metodológicas no diálogo com o tempo presente

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The works with oral sources related to Indian populations, concerning History, are still rare, until the present time in Brazil. Why very few studies deal with a so rich, complex and instigate thematic? Without the purpose of getting a final response to this question, this paper has as an objective to emphasize works of historians and anthropologists with oral sources. Some confusions are verified when the subject is the oral speech, mainly in the researches carried out with native populations in Brazil. It is intended to show that despite of the similarities, there are differences that delimitate the areas of actuation of the researchers who deal with History and Anthropology and it cannot be confused what each group, with different purposes (and sometimes related), carries out when the investigate ethnic groups, specially Indians, using oral sources. In this way, there are various challenges to the researchers who try to research native History in Brazil. The analyses of works divulgated in the last years, involving oral sources related to the native populations and their relationship with oral sources, permit to imagine an approximation and the interesting dialogue with what can happen between History and Anthropology. This dialogue with the present time, however, does not happen without problems, neither, without the verification that the disciplinary frontiers, strict in other times, are fluids and permit complex and necessary dislocations.



História, Populações indígenas no Brasil, Antropologia, Fontes orais, Métodos, Teorias, History, Native populations in Brazil, Anthropology, Oral sources, Methods, Theories


SILVA, Joana Aparecida Fernandes; SILVA, Giovani José da. História indígena, antropologia e fontes orais: questões teóricas e metodológicas no diálogo com o tempo presente. História Oral, Rio de Janeiro, v. 13, n. 1, p. 33-51, jan./jun. 2010.