Irradiação em barras de cereais incorporadas com casca de abacaxi


Soil quality can be defined as the capacity that the soil presents to perform its functions on ecosystems, being considered a good tool for studying and planning sustainable land use. This study aimed to describe the Red and Red-Yellow Oxisols quality under native Savannah vegetation, in order to establish reference values for their main attributes. The experiment was carried out at the Fazenda Água Limpa, Distrito Federal, Brazil, where the following soil quality attributes were evaluated: physical (soil density and porosity, aggregate stability, and flocculation index), chemical (cation exchange capacity, base sum and saturation, and organic matter content), and microbiological (microbial biomass carbon content and basal respiration). The results showed a great similarity among the soils attributes evaluated and provided the organization of radial graphics, with area delimitation defined as referential quality for all soils, which can be used for evaluating the natural equilibrium that takes place when these soils are submitted to diversified uses and agricultural managements.



Qualidade do solo, Sustentabilidade, Ecossistema natural, Soil quality, Sustainability, Natural ecosystem


PAPA, Raissa de Almeida; LACERDA, Marilusa Pinto Coelho; CAMPOS, Patrícia Maurício; GOEDERT, Wenceslau J. ; RAMOS, Maria Lucrécia Gerosa; KATO, Eiyti. Qualidade de latossolos vermelhos e vermelho-amarelos sob vegetação nativa de cerrado. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, Goiânia, v. 41, n. 4, p. 564-571, out./dez. 2011. Disponível em: <>.